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19. září 2024 [19:12:05]
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Světonázorová orientace

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vlastník: Stenly ::
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* 21. července 2023 [17:46:17] Re :: link
Stenly » Binn (9:12:39): pro me furt pridanou hodnotu ma jako OSINT platforma kvuli valce, kvuli tomu jsem si to zalozil a mam to, ale den ode dne musim travit vetsi a vetsi procento casu udrzbou v podobe instantnich banu na ruskou a cinskou propagandu popr jiny pro me zcela zjevne rozcilujici obsah s naplni kulturni valek... velky zoufalstvi ze nemaj nic lepsiho nez tohle nebo nejakej totalne irelevatni bulsit typu smesna videa kocicek
20. července 2023 [9:12:39] Re :: link
Binn » Stenly (0:17:32): odinstaloval jsem na telefonu a lezu na to uz dost malo pres weby. Twitter je fakt kybl hoven s nulovou pridanou hodnotou
* 20. července 2023 [0:17:32] Re :: link
Stenly » fuck around, find out... moje konspirace: musk proda nebo uz prodal tajne cast akcii arabum a jinenjm diktatorum, popr s nima ma jinej deal ohledne financovani

fakt je ten ze mi to ukazuje cim dal vic scamu a propagandy, i kdyz to kazdej den banuju.. nebude chtit palit svy penize vecne, urcite tam tecou tyhle spinavy penize, i kdyby to bylo jen stylem otevreme tovarnu tesly v cine vymenou za drobnou sluzbicku..

* 19. července 2023 [14:33:30] Re :: link
Stenly » imo se stejne nestane vubec nic protoze maji efektivni systemy jak to obchazet... mnohem dulezitejsi je, ze si ruzny mistni zakladni a stredni skoly zacinaji rusit technicky predmety, jakoze aby ti cernosi, kterejm socialni system a trestni rad (ale mnohem vic socialni system) rozvratil rodiny, takze jedoma nikdo nenuti neco delat, nemuseli celil normalni konkurenci... coz je ve vysledku posere uz tozalne a zakonzervuje na socialnim dne. levicaci zruinovali chudy cernochy vic nez ku klux klan

coz ve vysledku ty chudaky

* 9. července 2023 [21:09:39] Re :: link
Stenly » ok, myslel jsem ze to maji vymysleny lip.. ale kdyby udelali nejaky zony kde to je ok a rozdavalo se biti v rezidencnich ctvrtich apod kde to ok nebude, tak by to urcite fungovat mohlo.. kriminal snysl nema, totalni punk taky ne, v norsku si taky sice smazky strilely herak pred detma na ulici, ale kdyz jsme si chteli dat pivo pred hospodou, tak se nesmelo na centimetr z ohradky.. to by jiste slo aplikovat i na zviratka ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

* 9. června 2023 [16:20:08] Re :: link
Stenly » Stenly (16:19:26):

Most young people in the sixties did not practice free love, take drugs, or protest the war in Vietnam. In a poll taken in 1967, when people were asked whether couples should wait to have sex until they were married, sixty-three per cent of those in their twenties said yes, virtually the same as in the general population. In 1969, when people aged twenty-one to twenty-nine were asked whether they had ever used marijuana, eighty-eight per cent said no. When the same group was asked whether the United States should withdraw immediately from Vietnam, three-quarters said no, about the same as in the general population.

Most young people in the sixties were not even notably liberal. When people who attended college from 1966 to 1968 were asked which candidate they preferred in the 1968 Presidential election, fifty-three per cent said Richard Nixon or George Wallace. Among those who attended college from 1962 to 1965, fifty-seven per cent preferred Nixon or Wallace, which matched the results in the general election.

The authors of “Gen Z, Explained” are making the same erroneous extrapolation. They are generalizing on the basis of a very small group of privileged people, born within five or six years of one another, who inhabit insular communities of the like-minded. It’s fine to try to find out what these people think. Just don’t call them a generation.
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