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8. září 2024 [2:27:20]
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(zastavit refresh) << na vršek nahoru :: 12-31 z 33577 :: dolů dospod >>
* 1. května 2024 [2:04:53] Re :: link
Stenly » And perhaps it makes sense that France, far more than Britain, loves a truly regal political leader. France remains the country of the Sun King and the Emperor, the country of Versailles, the Pantheon and Napoleon Crossing the Alps. “You call me Monsieur le Président.” That’s what most French voters want from their leaders.

All of that said, of course, there’s another shadow that has hung over French politics for the last half-century. It’s the shadow of another man who believed himself the champion of destiny, the sword of justice, the incarnation of civilisation. A man with a tortured romantic history, but a man whose human frailties made him only more endearing.

A man feared and loathed by the enemies of the West, a man unfairly mocked by Anglo-Saxon sceptics, yet a man recognised across the world as the very embodiment of France and its traditions. A man who, like the victorious Emmanuel Macron, provides the essential mirror to the presidents of the Fifth Republic; a man in whom you can see the self-belief of de Gaulle, the hauteur of Giscard, the cunning of Mitterrand, the shamelessness of Chirac. A man who believed, more than anything, in his own dignity, the most Gallic quality of them all.

That man was Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau.
* 12. dubna 2024 [1:47:46] Re :: link
* 10. dubna 2024 [22:33:51] Re :: link
Stenly » ‘There is a great prevalence of venereal disease in the Jerusalem Area,’ reported Major Geoffrey Sebag-Montefiore, who deployed guards around the Holy Places. He raided bawdy houses, which were usually full of Australian soldiers, and had to waste much of his time investigating cases where soldiers were accused of sleeping with local girls. ‘The brothels in Jerusalem are still giving considerable trouble,’ he informed Allenby in June 1918. He moved them into an allotted area, the Wazzah, which made policing easier. In October he wrote, ‘there’s been trouble keeping Australians out of brothels. A squadron now provide a picquet [patrol] for the Wazzah.’ Major Sebag-Montefiore’s reports usually read: ‘Venereal Disease is rampant. Otherwise nothing of note to report.’
5. dubna 2024 [13:20:21] Re :: link
Binn » zli lidi byli i pred internetama:D
* 5. dubna 2024 [10:26:46] Re :: link
uri » vydrzte aspon dve minuty, nez to zeskaluje ')
(youtube video)
* 24. března 2024 [15:48:31] Re :: link
geek0n » :D
Ing. goldenace
7. března 2024 [13:18:32] Re :: link
* 7. března 2024 [12:47:11] Re :: link
uri » "what the fuck is a milliliter? we measure everything in eagles per gun"

- average 'merican
6. ledna 2024 [10:13:13] Re :: link
Binn » :D
* 5. ledna 2024 [21:52:20] Re :: link
Stenly » https://scontent.fbrq1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/416760227_122130953804086056_7669733394465730141_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=3635dc&_nc_ohc=we8ZJK676xoAX_u2ivg&_nc_oc=AQm7DuQQnbMNATK1rpgEJYwyhyN7Aj8slNk-yKRLY0rcEK1NBrboU6ZLJaRV59rXet8&_nc_ht=scontent.fbrq1-1.fna&oh=00_AfAuFs7cE5IUb8mGUIxgXTgdY2VIMnIJG6cLUsxZfsflDQ&oe=659D721D
* 12. prosince 2023 [21:03:14] Re :: link
* 12. prosince 2023 [10:28:35] Re :: link
uri » nechci se poustet do nejaky genderovy debaty, takhle sem se ovsem dlouho nezasmal XD

(youtube video)
22. listopadu 2023 [16:08:55] Re :: link
MgA.juho.k » LOL:D
20. listopadu 2023 [10:34:41] Re :: link
Binn » je to king
20. listopadu 2023 [10:34:33] Re :: link
Binn » :DD
* 20. listopadu 2023 [9:50:47] Re :: link
uri » Alex Jones ma video hru XD

(youtube video)
* 6. září 2023 [16:35:57] Re :: link
Stenly » vazne mineny song Stevena Seagala ve falkesnym jamajskym prizvuku s nazvem Me Want The Punani
* 15. června 2023 [0:49:26] Re :: link
Stenly » Berlusconi frequently said he had done more for women than anyone else in Italy, including appointing a former topless Perilli calendar model as his minister of equal opportunity.
* 2. června 2023 [9:40:53] Re :: link
Lord_Palda » amraam_7 (8:42:07): :D Boží :D
* 2. června 2023 [8:42:07] Re :: link
amraam_7 » Tychi (22:28:02): s dětma je vůbec sranda. Včera ve školce v šatně malá říká po ránu spolužačce: "Máma je po dnešní noci úplně vyřízená. " Tatínek tý holčičky na mě uznale mrkne, malá dodá: "Ona totiž celou noc kojila a přebalovala..." Tak mu začaly cukat koutky smíchy
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(zastavit refresh) << na vršek nahoru :: 12-31 z 33577 :: dolů dospod >>